Population science allows us to use natural experiments to answer questions about factors that infleunce human health and disease. Using molecular epidemiological and bioinformatic methods, I am interested in understanding biochemical changes associated with human disease and exposure to the environment.


Lee, J. et al. Prenatal airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure, LINE1 methylation and child development in a Chinese cohort. Environ Int 99, 315–320 (2017).

Kalia, V., Perera, F. & Tang, D. Environmental Pollutants and Neurodevelopment: Review of Benefits from Closure of a Coal-Burning Power Plant in Tongliang, China. Glob Pediatr Health 4, (2017).

Vardarajan, B. N. et al. Differences in Plasma Metabolites Related to Alzheimer’s Disease, APOE-e4 Status and Ethnicity. medRxiv 2020.01.10.20016741 (2020)